This site runs Weblate for translating the software projects listed below. You need to be signed in to translate, otherwise you can only make suggestions.

Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
anaconda 59% 773,291 5,204,174 33,260,929 720,953 44,278 120,324 31
anaconda-webui 42% 10,908 54,917 357,349 6,516 1,248 1,604 6
authselect 69% 9,261 104,937 777,895 8,970 930 810 44
candlepin 51% 15,413 129,425 782,177 14,354 1,106 910 6
cockpit 65% 47,859 202,784 1,238,526 42,531 1,674 5,819 15
dnf 52% 97,495 612,540 3,997,054 95,282 3,482 12,116 19
dnf5 72% 4,959 38,029 244,210 4,731 292 697 8
fedora-docs-l10n/fedora 41% 28,568 475,527 3,370,265 28,412 1,637 4,288 7
fedora-docs-l10n/fedora-release-notes 27% 108,420 1,716,530 12,486,326 108,300 2,733 7,739 6
fedora-docs-l10n/quick-docs 11% 128,477 1,941,748 13,766,854 128,067 978 3,851 2
fedora-media-writer 74% 2,272 11,175 65,469 1,479 338 845 2
fedora-websites-3.0 48% 35,910 489,044 3,260,076 35,860 1,618 5,835 199
guix 14% 713,646 13,196,491 92,522,048 662,389 13,322 19,988 76
ibus 47% 20,688 90,385 585,641 19,849 431 885 2
ibus-typing-booster 72% 2,234 24,158 143,579 2,010 67 219 0
libguestfs 21% 206,187 2,301,295 16,848,712 204,567 12,922 5,289 1
libvirt 34% 337,865 2,308,335 14,638,045 250,882 26,263 13,445 5
SSSD 41% 115,068 1,393,006 10,057,030 113,475 6,843 5,950 4
subscription-manager 67% 19,391 133,818 951,292 13,934 5,742 2,787 22
virt-manager 59% 32,252 180,682 1,219,394 29,697 2,389 171 6

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