This site runs Weblate for translating the software projects listed below. You need to be signed in to translate, otherwise you can only make suggestions.

Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
anaconda 59% 772,224 5,196,181 33,210,136 720,274 43,684 121,222 31
anaconda-webui 42% 11,308 64,773 413,446 6,844 1,250 1,648 6
authselect 71% 8,822 99,810 742,201 8,532 925 818 44
candlepin 51% 15,527 130,215 787,031 14,409 1,137 910 6
cockpit 54% 42,356 180,488 1,101,095 37,218 1,941 5,724 15
cockpit-files 81% 519 1,612 9,678 493 14 181 1
cockpit-podman 72% 1,979 7,203 43,599 1,696 66 462 1
dnf 52% 97,172 609,684 3,978,985 95,025 3,502 12,217 20
dnf5 72% 5,159 38,852 250,659 4,937 233 809 8
fedora-docs-l10n/project 19% 13,065 177,493 1,331,044 12,860 153 363 2
fedora-kde 88% 171 3,828 25,049 158 6 89 0
fedora-media-writer 75% 2,216 10,950 64,212 1,455 328 856 2
fedora-websites-3.0 48% 37,785 529,362 3,554,835 37,729 1,552 5,665 205
guix 14% 725,410 13,337,800 93,654,494 670,794 27,862 20,131 76
ibus-typing-booster 72% 2,210 23,307 138,817 1,986 63 219 0
libvirt 34% 340,615 2,331,226 14,789,792 253,701 26,127 13,489 5
pulseaudio 74% 11,127 97,926 782,646 8,714 1,530 1,378 2
SSSD 41% 115,058 1,392,716 10,053,105 113,468 6,727 5,955 4
systemd 74% 2,938 21,722 141,341 2,218 178 269 29
virt-manager 59% 32,159 179,764 1,212,881 29,603 2,392 127 6

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