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We used the raw data from the [Big Mac Index](https://www.economist.com/big-mac-index) for January 2023. Using the dollar valuation, the $25 US value was modified to reflect relative Purchase Price Parity. These values were then rounded to the nearest multiple of 5 to make the numbers less "ugly."This is not a perfect method, but since the payment is voluntary it provides a reasonable starting point.
The specific method was to use a LibreOffice spreadsheet and open the data set. The value in the '`dollar_valuation`' column (column I) was converted to a percentage and then multiplied by $25 before being rounded to the nearest $5. The formula is '`=MROUND((25+25*I2/100),5)`'.
ignore-punctuation-spacing, md-text, vue-format
This is not a perfect method, but since the payment is voluntary it provides a reasonable starting point.
The specific method was to use a LibreOffice spreadsheet and open the data set. The value in the '`dollar_valuation`' column (column I) was converted to a percentage and then multiplied by {'$'}25 before being rounded to the nearest {'$'}5. The formula is '`=MROUND((25+25*I2/100),5)`'.
Bu mükemmel bir yöntem değil, ancak ödeme gönüllü olduğu için makul bir başlangıç noktası sağlıyor.
Belirli yöntem, bir LibreOffice elektronik tablosu kullanmak ve veri setini açmaktı. '`dollar_valuation`' sütunundaki (sütun I) değer bir yüzdeye dönüştürüldü ve ardından en yakın {'$'}5'e yuvarlanmadan önce {'$'}25 ile çarpıldı. Formül ``=MROUND((25+25*I2/100),5)`` şeklindedir.