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English type: delimited block =
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String updated in the repository

2 years ago
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Other source string: “There are no separate media provided for BIOS and UEFI systems; all of them can boot from the same ISO image. However, once you install {PRODUCT}, you cannot switch between UEFI and BIOS. The system must run on the same firmware it was installed on; if you, for example, perform the installation on an UEFI system in UEFI mode, and then switch it to BIOS compatibility mode, {PRODUCT} will no longer boot and will require a reinstallation.”



English Finnish
install asennus fedora-docs-l10n/fedora-install-guide
Media Media fedora-docs-l10n/fedora-install-guide

10604293 String information

Source string description
type: delimited block =
String age
2 years ago
Last updated
a year ago
Source string age
5 years ago