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English type: Plain text
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User avatar azkel

Translation added

4 years ago
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Other source string: “There is also the `lg` (looking glass) tool in GNOME that will allow you to determine which protocol a specific window is using. To do this, you run the application by typing `lg` in the run dialog or at the command line, select "`Windows`" in the upper right corner of the tool, and click on the application name (or open window) you want to know about. If the window is running in wayland it will say "`MetaWindowWayland`" and if it is running in X11 it will say "`MetaWindowX11`".”



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2852714 String information

Source string description
type: Plain text
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String age
4 years ago
Last updated
a year ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
po/pl/f31/pages/Wayland.po, string 13