

English Translators: This message will never be used for less than 2 years ago. However, the singular form is necessary for some languages which do not have plural (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) or reuse the singular form for some plural cases (21 in Russian).

Plural formula: n != 1

Context English Danish Actions


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Things to check

Same plurals

Some plural forms are translated in the same way



English Danish
No related strings found in the glossary.

305127 String information

Source string description
Translators: This message will never be used for less than 2 years ago. However, the singular form is necessary for some languages which do not have plural (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) or reuse the singular form for some plural cases (21 in Russian).
python-brace-format, python-format
Source string location
String age
5 years ago
Last updated
a year ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
da.po, string 37